Thanks to B&N, Sister of Silence can now be purchased via “bricks & clicks”

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So, depending upon one’s perspective, you could say tonight’s book event was a total bust. That’s because only four people showed up. But they bought two books, so that means 50-percent of those who attended made a purchase.
Since I try to look at the world from a glass half full POV, I would have to say that those four people probably enjoyed themselves much more than if 100 people had been there. Because they had me all to themselves—as I had them. That means it was a very small, intimate gathering, and I got to talk to everyone there on a personal level. It also meant I had enough time to answer everyone’s questions, and read a longer portion from Sister of Silence.
Now here’s where the half-full glass gets really frothy. (Because this glass had to have some champagne in it, for all the bubbling that was going on.) When I asked one couple where they bought their book, thinking it was our local indie bookstore, The Bookshelf, they said no, they bought it at Barnes and Noble. “Oh, so you ordered it online?” I asked. No, they again said. “The Barnes and Noble across town ordered it for you?” No, they replied. “They had it in stock.”
This, as you might guess, was news to me. So when the event finished, I drove across town to talk to a B&N sales clerk in person. To find out just what is going on, that would cause them to stock my book. (For anyone who wonders why I find this odd, it’s because traditionally, if your book isn’t published by a bigger or well-recognized publishing house, it will not be sold inside brick and mortar bookstores. They will order it online–thus the “click”–if a customer prepays, one copy at a time. My publishing company, Nellie Bly Books, is quite small and is only beginning to make a name for itself. So while I hoped Barnes and Noble might make wind up carrying my books, I figured it wasn’t wise to hold my breath.)
This is what the clerk told me: since April, B&N has sold eight copies of my book—and they just ordered 10 more copies. According to the clerk, for a book that’s had zero advertising, that’s amazing. (She told me this twice.)
On top of this, the books purchased by the two other people who came to Nico’s tonight are going to end up in Pennsylvania—where one will find its way to an attorney who handles child abuse cases. The woman who bought that copy has a relative who’s a judge; she’s also going to tell him about Sister of Silence.
The second book will probably find its way from Morgantown, W.Va., to Florida. That’s because that woman said her sister belongs to this huge group and they would all be super excited to read it.
I know I promised to include more details about the California trip, but new things are happening so quickly, I will have to keep that on the back burner for now. I apologize, and I will try to post it tomorrow!
By the way, did I say I’m excited? No? Well, I am. Very!
Editor’s note: If you have a Barnes and Noble in your area, ask them to consider stocking Sister of Silence, too. Otherwise, you’re more than welcome to buy it here: Sister of Silence may just be the book for you!


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